For Dapa, commitment and willpower are fundamental in order to achieve any goal – in work and in sport: for this reason, it is happy to help grow different sports associations, such as Pegaso basket and Vigor basket.
For Dapa, commitment and willpower are fundamental in order to achieve any goal – in work and in sport: for this reason, it is happy to help grow different sports associations, such as Pegaso basket and Vigor basket.
Dapa has long been associated with ANICA (National Association of Elevator Component Industries): through it, it regularly participates in various kinds of initiatives (for example Italia Eleva). In addition, with the collective ANICA, Dapa takes part in the most important European lift exhibition, which takes place in Augsburg (Germany) every two years. AssoAscensori brings together…
Dapa is very concerned about the charity issue: this is why, every day, it contributes to help the Peter Pan Onlus Association that every day hosts and gives joy and lightheartedness to the children with cancer and their families. This is why we try to make ourselves useful to their cause.
In recent years our company has grown from a technical point of view also thanks to the continuous training of our specialized personnel. The production is growing every year, especially in the Italian market and partly also in the foreign one.